The Calm in the Storm

// March 17, 2022 // The Calm in the Storm

With Steve Cuss

Kristi is less than a week away from her next immunotherapy/chemotherapy treatment. She will head back on Monday the 21st for blood work and then the 22nd will be round three. She also has an MRI scheduled for the 23rd. They want to rule out anything going on in her brain. She is doing very well this week. She has ventured out a few times on errands with me. Her biggest challenge is getting tired quickly. This is to be expected as the chemo takes a toll on her healthy cells in order to wipe out the cancer. Her Oncologist told us that she will be in battle mode for the first 7-10 days after treatment, recovery mode for 5-7 days, feel good for 5-7 days and then repeat the cycle again. She has done amazing! She is in feel good stage now and ready to go into battle again.

Fried Chicken after Chemo – so good!

As I look at the blog, I see posts getting spaced out naturally with the progress of treatment. It’s interesting to me how crisis brings more communication and routine brings less. It made me ask myself the question, “How do I act when everything is ‘normal’?” It seems like my guard is let down and comfort sets in. I know Kristi is fighting death and sickness, and yet, she externally looks and acts well enough for my mind to drift into normalcy.

Our bodies are not meant to be in a continual state of urgency or war. We have to rest and retreat in order to recover and prepare for the next thing. We get fatigued and begin acting irrationally when we are on high alert all the time. People around us see our behavior and they themselves move into high alert and the circle of urgency extends until everyone around us is stressed out. For a time, this is appropriate as we come together to wage war on our knees in prayer and through practical acts of generosity and service. However, no one can sustain that pace forever.

Several times over the past couple weeks, Kristi has looked at me and said, “I’m so over this!” I look back and her and say something like, “I know” or “keep fighting” or “you are awesome” or some other cheap statement. It’s easy for me to say silly phrases because I’m not the one battling cancer. 😁 What’s happening is she is communicating her need for recovery. She needs something “normal” – she doesn’t need another battle just yet. She is longing for safety from the battle.

David has much experience with this kind of desire. He found himself in one urgent situation to another. He was either fighting off lions and bears while protecting his sheep, or running from the death warrants of King Saul, or he was in a battle with his mighty men. We see some of his soul’s cry in Psalm 61

“O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!” Psalms 61:1-4

Can you relate to his words? He was battle fatigued and just needed rest. He needed a safe place to recover. He wanted to find that place and stay forever. He is someone who is desperate for safety and normalcy.

God has been so good to us. He has given us a respite. He has given us a quiet calm. He has allowed us to reduce our anxiety, pressure, and urgency. Yes, the war is waging in Kristi’s body. Next week, will bring back the urgency and battle. Soon, we will be back at it. But now, we rest. We recover. We enjoy. We are grateful.

We can’t thank each of you enough for continually praying and asking God for His presence and power to be in our lives. Thank you for prayers of peace and strength. Thank you for prayers of joy and endurance. He has answered.

Even though we are quiet at times. Please don’t stop praying! We are in need of Him as we always have been.

Ray Rhoton




14 thoughts on “The Calm in the Storm

  1. Beautifully expressed!! Prayers continue for Kristi & all of you!!! You are all impacting so many is a very special way….. Kristi looks great & she is truly in the palm of her Lords hands ❤️


  2. So thankful you guys got some rest and reprieve from the high anxiety. Praying continually for Kristi and her family.


  3. Thanks for updating us.
    We love you guys so much! We pray without ceasing. God is on the throne and he hears everyone’s prayers for Kristi. Even when we don’t communicate to to you guys we are talking to God in your behalf. We are with you!


  4. Such good words! I’m glad for the update. I check on you most days. I’m grateful for the rest you have between fights. It would be so awfully hard to do it otherwise. Continued prayers!!


  5. We will continue to pray for our requests to be answered, for God to give the doctors guidance & for strength for the whole family!


  6. Thank you for touching me and so many with your words ! I have seen your journey in my life this year also and it has kept me centered and going in so many ways! You both are such a and prayers!💗


  7. Kristi is THE ultimate WARRIOR and our prayers go with her daily. This battle will rage for some time that’s for sure but the Victory will be hers.
    Keep the Faith and continue the fight Kristi….you’ve got this.


  8. From my prayer and devotional time this morning….

    Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:1-5)

    Isn’t that beautiful? The devestating trials in life bring forth good. The perseverance, character, and hope produced propels us forward, giving us peace and strength that we didn’t previous possess.

    God is good!


  9. I am continuing to pray for Kristi and you–your whole family. I am so blessed to know you all and the way you are trusting God on your journey. God bless you all!


  10. Nothing can defeat the warrior queen! Now if I only knew how to do this whole hashtag thing. Praying every day for you!


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